Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Museum Nasional - Jakarta

Museum Nasional terletak di Jalan Merdeka Barat 12 Jakarta menempati bangunan tua peninggalan masa kolonial Belanda. Cikal bakal berdirinya museum diawali ketika tanggal 24 April 1778 dibentuk sebuah perkumpulan ilmiah bernama Bataviaasch Genootschap van  Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Waktu itu perkumpulan (J.C.M. Radermacher) menyumbangkan gedung di Jalan Kalibesar beserta koleksi buku dan benda-benda lainnya yang kemudian menjadi dasar pendirian museum.
Pada masa pendudukan Inggris dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja lembaga tersebut dibuat gedung baru di Jalan Majapahit 3. Sekarangmenjadi bagian dari komplek Sekretaris Negara. Selanjutnya pada tahun 1862, ketika koleksi sudah memenuhi  ruang gedung di Jalan Majapahit, pemerintah Belanda mendirikan gedung baru yang kinimenjadi menjadi Museum   Nasional. Gedung ini mulai dibuka untuk umum tahun 1868. 
Setelah mengalami pasang surut dalam pengelolaan, pada tanggal 17 September 1962 Lembaga Kebudayaan Indonesia (LKI) menyerahkan kepada pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Museum Nasional juga dikenal sebagai Museum Gajah, karena dihadiahkannya patung gajah berbahan perunggu oleh Raja Chulalongkorn dari Thailang pada tahun 1871 yang kemudian dipasang di halaman depan museum. Meskipun demikian sejak 28 Mei 1979, nama resmi lembaga ini adalah Museum Nasional Republik Indonesia.

sumber: leaflet museum nasional

Museum Gunung Merapi - Yogyakarta

Museum Seni Budaya Jawa Ullen Sentalu - Yogyakarta

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Museum Pers Perjuangan - Surabaya

Ratu Boko - Yogyakarta

The Blanco Renaissance Museum - Ubud, Bali

The Blanco Renaissance Museum (sign system) by Mario Blanco Don Antonio Blanco

Pura Agung Kentel Gumi Kayangan Jagad - Klungkung, Bali

Tanah Lot - Bali

Kertagosa - Klungkung, Bali

The Lost Vegetation (work in proggres)

Title: The Lost Vegetation

Artist : Joko Dwi Avianto
Size : 280x80x120cm
Material : Bambu Tali (Bambu Apus) 
Year : 2012 / Art Jog 12 / Taman Budaya Yogyakarta

Merupakan sebuah simbolisasi vegetasi "hutan" yang berpindah wujud bahkan hilang. Kumpulan rumpun-rumpun yang menaungi aktivitas manusia laiknya aktivitas sosial manusia (gathering, berjualan, bercukur dsb) dibawah pohon beringin. Ketika naungan ini hilang maka aktivitas pun berpindah, bahkan tradisi ikut hilang. Bambu yang dihadirkan dalam istalasi pada Art Jog 12 ini merupakan bentuk perpindahan wujud dari tingkat vegetasi alamiah menjadi sekedar material menjadi sekedar material yang dibentuk menjadi rumpun-rumpun (naugan) baru. 

Hope on Hold (work in proggres)

Hope on Hold, merupakan salah satu karya dari pematung I Made Widya Diputra. Karya berukuran 600x800x500 cm berbahan Leathers, coconuts dan alumunium ini adalah salah satu commision work pada gelaran Art Jog 12. Karya tersebut merupakan kritik terhadap kondisi negara Indonesia saat ini. Negara yang kaya dengan sumber pangan tetapi belum semua rakyatnya merasakan kesejahteraan, ibarat kata pepatah "Kelaparan di Lumbung Pangan". Secara visual, ikon gajah melambangkan kekuatan dan kelapa melambangkan sumber daya alam.

Art Jog 12, dikuratori oleh Bambang 'Toko' Witjaksono yang mengambil tema "Looking East" a Gaze upon Indonesian Contemporary Art. Tema tersebut diusung sebagai upaya dalam rangka untuk (kembali) mencari dunia (yang disebut) Timur. Meski awalnya bangsa atau orang lain yang sadar akan potensi dari seni di Timur (Indonesia merupakan salah satunya) lamban laun orang-orang lokal juga menjadi "sibuk" dan bersemangat dengan pencarian tentang mereka sendiri. 

Bangsa lain (baca: Barat) merasa bahwa eksotisme dunia Timur sangat merangsang imajinasi mereka, terutama para seniman seniman asing yang mendapat banyak pengalaman estetis ketika bersinggungan dan mengunjungi dunia Timur. Dunia yang lebih ramah, bergelora dan hangat dibadingkan dunia Barat yang dingin dan kaku. Pencarian-pencarian tersebut kian hari kian marak, mungkin saja dikarenakan berkaitan dengan mentalitas ketimuran yang kadang masih merasa tertindas oleh hegemoni asing. Atau jangan-jangan karena pencarian tersebut "hanya" semata-mata strategi agar bisa "diterima" dalam pusaran arus seni rupa global? 

Apapun alasan dan semua yang ada dibalik semua itu, ART Jog 12 patut untuk diapresiasi dan diharapkan mampu menjadi sebuah gelaran yang berdampak positif bagi masyarakat umum dan seniman.

sumber: katalog pameran

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2012 Poster Competition


Announcing: Subiyantoro wins Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2012 Poster Competition

The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival is set to unveil the stunning new poster image for the 2012 event.

Janet de Neefe, UWRF founder and Director, explains “The Festival embraces not only the written word in all its forms, but the entire world of creative expression. By throwing open the all important poster design to local and international artists, we are broadening the cultural conversation and inviting new and emerging artists to share their ideas.”

The theme of the UWRF 2012 is Bumi Manusia: This Earth of Mankind, taken from the title of one of the great Indonesian writer Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s epic works. The theme proved an inspirational stimulus to artists spread across Indonesia while entries were also received from Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Canada. A record number of 46 beautifully conceived and detailed submissions were recorded and the interpretations of the theme were diverse and moving.

Said Janet de Neefe “Making decisions of this kind always involves passionate debate and energetic argument. I was aided in this process by Cuban illustrator and beloved guest of the UWRF 2011 program, Edel Rodriguez and our own Executive Producer, Jane Fuller. Happily, the decision was unanimous and I am overjoyed to announce that the winner of the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2012 Poster Design Competition is Torro (ruang imagi). We thank all the brilliant artists and designers who opened their hearts and their imaginations to embrace our theme. We fell in love with every page turned, with every vision shared, but ultimately there was one that took or breath away.”

If the name ruang imagi seems familiar, it may well be because he was the winner of the 2011 competition and the lyrical and compelling graphic created for that event will remain as the hero image in 2012. Now it will be joined by a figure of surpassing beauty and grace, combining intricate traditional motifs with an intensity of colour and at the centre, the book, the symbol of storytelling that lies at the heart of Pramoedya’s iconic work.

Torro is a 27 year old illustrator/graphic designer from Bantul , Jogjakarta. He studied Visual Communication in Institut Seni Indonesia, Jogjakarta. He and his wife are on the way to make their dream into reality, making an art foundation for children in his hometown. His haunting submission captures the gaze of the viewer. Torro describes his artwork as Nyai Ontosoroh’s face, a character from Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s book, This Earth of Mankind.

The winning design may be viewed via the UWRF’s Facebook and Twitter accounts and the posters will dominate Ubud’s streetscape from August 2012

The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival entire program and complete guest list will be released online at www.ubudwritersfestival.com late August. Until then, the latest news and updates will be posted online and via e-bulletins. Visit the website to subscribe and explore.

For Immediate Release

For further information or interviews please contact:
Jane Fuller – Executive Producer
Ubud Writers & Readers Festival
t: 0361 7808932


Ubud Writers & Readers Festival

The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival is a project of the Mudra Swari Saraswati Foundation. Founded in 2004, the Foundation is an independent, non-profit, non-government organization. The members of the Foundation are committed to enriching the lives and livelihoods of Indonesians through the development of a range of community-building arts and cultural programs.

The primary goal of the Foundation is to give full expression to the creative needs of individuals and the community in order to better equip them to interact in our rapidly changing global society. Through its revenue from ticket sales to events and workshops, the Festival provides the Foundation with vital support to pursue its creative, educational and youth mission.

The Festival helps to promote Ubud as an arts and cultural centre, showcases Indonesian writers on an international stage and helps young Indonesians to reach their potential through educational programs and literature. Proceeds from ticket sales are also used to cover free public evening events, free workshops for local children and high school students and their teachers and to subsidise attendances of local residents who could not otherwise afford to attend.

Drs. Ketut Suardana, MPhil - Foundation Co-Director
Janet De Neefe - Foundation Co-Director
Ni Wayan Widiatmini - Treasurer
Ni Made Sri Purnami - Secretary
I Wayan Juniartha
Ni Wayan Ariani
For more information on the Foundation, please contact info@ubudwritersfestival.com